Galleries 61
Collections 0
Groups 25
Created 3-Sep-10
“Photography is one of the greatest pleasures of travel, and travel is one of the greatest pleasures of life”

Click on the folders to visit photo galleries.

Travel photography galleries

Modified 6-Jul-24

New Zealand 2024-2025

Modified 3-Jan-25

Arctic 2019

Modified 21-Jul-19

Antarctica 2017

Modified 23-Aug-20

Australia 2009, 2015-2016 and 2019

Modified 3-Nov-19

Canadian Rockies 2018

Modified 17-Oct-22

National Parks in western US

Modified 29-Nov-20

Flower photography galleries

Modified 21-Mar-22

Backyard birds

Modified 24-Feb-24

OARDC campus through my camera lenses 1994-2007

Modified 14-Sep-10

Creative Photography

Modified 12-Dec-21

Israel JNF Faculty Fellowship 2019

Modified 16-Jan-20

Family trip in Australia

Modified 8-Aug-17

Meeting friends in Australia, Indonesia and New Zealand

Modified 7-Jul-16

Yuan family old photos

Modified 22-Nov-21

Memories from China

Modified 25-Sep-17

Holidays and Celebrations

Modified 24-Dec-23

Family and friends

Modified 14-Jul-23

CIP Reunions

Modified 22-Oct-24

Dr. Lijuan Yuan authored book and chapters

Visitors 0
Created 9-Aug-22
Modified 9-Aug-22

Yuan Lab Photos

Modified 21-Mar-21

Let time stand still 让时间停留在这一刻

Modified 12-Feb-19

北京卫生学校783班 (Beijing Health School 1987-1981)

Modified 22-Nov-16


Modified 29-Nov-20